Main endpoint of our API, which returns a paginated list of Uniswap V4 hooks with detailed information. Hooks can be queried with such parameters:
page & limit: control pagination of results
search: filter hooks by address
chainId: filter hooks by specific network
isVerified: return only hooks with etherscan-verified code
poolPair: filter hooks by pools with specific token trading pairs
sort: parameter to sort response in format: ?sort=property:(asc|desc), allowed: name, deployedAt, volumeBaseCurrency, feeBaseCurrency, tvlBaseCurrency
This endpoint is particularly useful for building hook explorers or analytics platforms. For example:
A DeFi dashboard could filter for verified on chainscan hooks (isVerified = true) with high success rates to recommend to users
A trading platform could search for hooks supporting specific token pairs using the poolPair filter
A security platform could analyze hooks by sorting them based on success rates and deployment dates
Analytics tools could track TVL and volume trends across different networks using the chainId filter
The comprehensive metadata provided allows for detailed analysis of hook performance, security, and adoption across the Uniswap V4 ecosystem.
Last updated