Tracked Data
type Swap @entity {
# transaction hash + "#" + index in swaps Transaction array
id: ID!
# pointer to transaction
transaction: Transaction!
# timestamp of transaction
timestamp: BigInt!
# pool swap occured within
pool: Pool!
# token swap from
token0: Token!
# token swap to
token1: Token!
# sender of the swap
sender: Bytes!
# the EOA that initiated the txn
origin: Bytes!
# delta of token0 swapped
amount0: BigDecimal!
# delta of token1 swapped
amount1: BigDecimal!
# amount of liquidity left in pool after swap
liquidity: BigInt!
# derived info
amountUSD: BigDecimal!
# The sqrt(price) of the pool after the swap, as a Q64.96
sqrtPriceX96: BigInt!
# the tick after the swap
tick: BigInt!
fee: Int!
# index within the txn
logIndex: BigInt
# running sum of gas for current tx
gasAccumulated: BigInt!
gasInWeiAccumulated: BigInt!
type TokenDayData @entity {
# token address concatendated with date
id: ID!
# timestamp rounded to current day and divided by 86400
date: Int!
# pointer to the token
token: Token!
# volume in token units
volume: BigDecimal!
# volume in derived USD
volumeUSD: BigDecimal!
# volume in USD even on pools with less reliable USD values
untrackedVolumeUSD: BigDecimal!
# liquidity across all pools in token units
totalValueLocked: BigDecimal!
# liquidity across all pools in derived USD
totalValueLockedUSD: BigDecimal!
# price at end of period in USD
priceUSD: BigDecimal!
# fees in USD
feesUSD: BigDecimal!
# opening price USD
open: BigDecimal!
# high price USD
high: BigDecimal!
# low price USD
low: BigDecimal!
# close price USD
close: BigDecimal!
type UniswapDayData @entity {
# timestamp rounded to current day and divided by 86400
id: ID!
# timestamp rounded to current day and divided by 86400
date: Int!
# total daily volume in Uniswap derived in terms of ETH
volumeETH: BigDecimal!
# total daily volume in Uniswap derived in terms of USD
volumeUSD: BigDecimal!
# total daily volume in Uniswap derived in terms of USD untracked
volumeUSDUntracked: BigDecimal!
# fees in USD
feesUSD: BigDecimal!
# number of daily transactions
txCount: BigInt!
# tvl in terms of USD
tvlUSD: BigDecimal!
type PoolDayData @entity {
# timestamp rounded to current day and divided by 86400
id: ID!
# timestamp rounded to current day and divided by 86400
date: Int!
# pointer to pool
pool: Pool!
# in range liquidity at the end of a period
liquidity: BigInt!
# current price tracker at the end of a period
sqrtPrice: BigInt!
# price of token0 - derived from sqrtPrice
token0Price: BigDecimal!
# price of token1 - derived from sqrtPrice
token1Price: BigDecimal!
# current tick at the end of a period
tick: BigInt
# tvl derived in USD at the end of a period
tvlUSD: BigDecimal!
# volume in token0
volumeToken0: BigDecimal!
# volume in token1
volumeToken1: BigDecimal!
# volume in USD
volumeUSD: BigDecimal!
# fees in USD
feesUSD: BigDecimal!
# number of transactions during period
txCount: BigInt!
# opening price of token0
open: BigDecimal!
# high price of token0
high: BigDecimal!
# low price of token0
low: BigDecimal!
# close price of token0
close: BigDecimal!
type PoolHourData @entity {
# format: <pool address>-<timestamp>
id: ID!
# unix timestamp for start of an hour
periodStartUnix: Int!
# pointer to pool
pool: Pool!
# in range liquidity at the end of a period
liquidity: BigInt!
# current price tracker at the end of a period
sqrtPrice: BigInt!
# price of token0 - derived from sqrtPrice
token0Price: BigDecimal!
# price of token1 - derived from sqrtPrice
token1Price: BigDecimal!
# current tick at the end of a period
tick: BigInt
# tvl derived in USD at the end of a period
tvlUSD: BigDecimal!
# volume in token0
volumeToken0: BigDecimal!
# volume in token1
volumeToken1: BigDecimal!
# volume in USD
volumeUSD: BigDecimal!
# fees in USD
feesUSD: BigDecimal!
# number of transactions during period
txCount: BigInt!
# opening price of token0
open: BigDecimal!
# high price of token0
high: BigDecimal!
# low price of token0
low: BigDecimal!
# close price of token0
close: BigDecimal!
type TokenHourData @entity {
# token address concatendated with date
id: ID!
# unix timestamp for a start of an hour
periodStartUnix: Int!
# pointer to token
token: Token!
# volume in token units
volume: BigDecimal!
# volume in derived USD
volumeUSD: BigDecimal!
# volume in USD even on pools with less reliable USD values
untrackedVolumeUSD: BigDecimal!
# liquidity across all pools in token units
totalValueLocked: BigDecimal!
# liquidity across all pools in derived USD
totalValueLockedUSD: BigDecimal!
# price at the end of a period in USD
priceUSD: BigDecimal!
# fees in USD
feesUSD: BigDecimal!
# opening price USD
open: BigDecimal!
# high price USD
high: BigDecimal!
# low price USD
low: BigDecimal!
# close price USD
close: BigDecimal!
type PoolManager @entity {
# poolManager address
id: ID!
hookCount: BigInt!
# amount of pools created
poolCount: BigInt!
# all0-time amount of transactions
txCount: BigInt!
# all-time total volume in derived USD
totalVolumeUSD: BigDecimal!
# all-time total volume in derived ETH
totalVolumeETH: BigDecimal!
# all-time total swap fees in USD
totalFeesUSD: BigDecimal!
# all-time total swap fees in USD
totalFeesETH: BigDecimal!
# all-time volume even through less reliable USD values
untrackedVolumeUSD: BigDecimal!
# TVL derived in USD
totalValueLockedUSD: BigDecimal!
# TVL derived in ETH
totalValueLockedETH: BigDecimal!
# TVL derived in USD untracked
totalValueLockedUSDUntracked: BigDecimal!
# TVL derived in ETH untracked
totalValueLockedETHUntracked: BigDecimal!
# current owner of the factory
owner: ID!
type Pool @entity {
# pool address
id: ID!
# creation
createdAtTimestamp: BigInt!
# block pool was created at
createdAtBlockNumber: BigInt!
# token0
token0: Token!
# token1
token1: Token!
# fee amount
feeTier: BigInt!
# in range liquidity
liquidity: BigInt!
# current price tracker
sqrtPrice: BigInt!
# token0 per token1
token0Price: BigDecimal!
# token1 per token0
token1Price: BigDecimal!
# current tick
tick: BigInt
# tick spacing
tickSpacing: BigInt!
# current observation index
observationIndex: BigInt!
# all-time token0 swapped
volumeToken0: BigDecimal!
# all-time token1 swapped
volumeToken1: BigDecimal!
# all-time USD swapped
volumeUSD: BigDecimal!
# all-time USD swapped, not filtered for unreliable USD pools
untrackedVolumeUSD: BigDecimal!
# fees in USD
feesUSD: BigDecimal!
feesToken0: BigDecimal!
feesToken1: BigDecimal!
# all-time number of transactions
txCount: BigInt!
# all-time fees collected token0
collectedFeesToken0: BigDecimal!
# all-time fees collected token1
collectedFeesToken1: BigDecimal!
# all-time fees collected derived USD
collectedFeesUSD: BigDecimal!
# total token 0 across all ticks
totalValueLockedToken0: BigDecimal!
# total token 1 across all ticks
totalValueLockedToken1: BigDecimal!
# TVL in derived ETH
totalValueLockedETH: BigDecimal!
# TVL in USD
totalValueLockedUSD: BigDecimal!
# TVL derived in USD untracked
totalValueLockedUSDUntracked: BigDecimal!
# Fields used to help relate derivatives
liquidityProviderCount: BigInt! # used to detect new exchanges
# hourly snapshots of pool data
poolHourData: [PoolHourData!]! @derivedFrom(field: "pool")
# daily snapshots of pool data
poolDayData: [PoolDayData!]! @derivedFrom(field: "pool")
hookAddress: Bytes!
# hook address
hook: Hook!
gasAccumulatedBySwaps: BigInt!
gasAccumulatedByModifyLiqs: BigInt!
gasAccumulatedBySwapsInEth: BigInt!
gasAccumulatedByModifyLiqsInEth: BigInt!
swapsCount: BigInt!
addLiqCount: BigInt!
removeLiqCount: BigInt!
lastTx: String
# derived fields
modifyLiquidities: [ModifyLiquidity!]! @derivedFrom(field: "pool")
swaps: [Swap!]! @derivedFrom(field: "pool")
ticks: [Tick!]! @derivedFrom(field: "pool")
type Token @entity {
# token address
id: ID!
# token symbol
symbol: String!
# token name
name: String!
# token decimals
decimals: BigInt!
# token total supply
totalSupply: BigInt!
# volume in token units
volume: BigDecimal!
# volume in derived USD
volumeUSD: BigDecimal!
# volume in USD even on pools with less reliable USD values
untrackedVolumeUSD: BigDecimal!
# fees in USD
feesUSD: BigDecimal!
# transactions across all pools that include this token
txCount: BigInt!
# number of pools containing this token
poolCount: BigInt!
# liquidity across all pools in token units
totalValueLocked: BigDecimal!
# liquidity across all pools in derived USD
totalValueLockedUSD: BigDecimal!
# TVL derived in USD untracked
totalValueLockedUSDUntracked: BigDecimal!
# Note: for chains where ETH is not the native token, this will be the derived
# price of that chain's native token, effectively, this should be renamed
# derivedNative
derivedETH: BigDecimal!
# pools token is in that are white listed for USD pricing
whitelistPools: [Pool!]!
# derived fields
tokenDayData: [TokenDayData!]! @derivedFrom(field: "token")
type Bundle @entity {
id: ID!
# price of ETH in usd
ethPriceUSD: BigDecimal!
type Hook @entity {
id: ID!
address: Bytes!
deployedAtTimestamp: BigInt!
deployedAtBlocknumber: BigInt!
txHash: Bytes!
deployer: Bytes!
# all time USD swapped
volumeUSD: BigDecimal!
# all time USD swapped, unfiltered for unreliable USD pools
untrackedVolumeUSD: BigDecimal!
# fees in USD
feesUSD: BigDecimal!
# all time fees collected derived USD
collectedFeesUSD: BigDecimal!
# tvl derived ETH
totalValueLockedETH: BigDecimal!
# tvl USD
totalValueLockedUSD: BigDecimal!
# TVL derived in USD untracked
totalValueLockedUSDUntracked: BigDecimal!
gasAccumulatedBySwaps: BigInt!
gasAccumulatedByModifyLiqs: BigInt!
gasAccumulatedBySwapsInEth: BigInt!
gasAccumulatedByModifyLiqsInEth: BigInt!
swapsCount: BigInt!
addLiqCount: BigInt!
removeLiqCount: BigInt!
pools: [Pool!]! @derivedFrom(field: "hook")
type PositionManager @entity {
id: ID!
lastTx: Bytes
lastLogIndex: BigInt
lastTokenId: String
type Position @entity {
# tokenId
id: ID!
poolId: String!
liquidity: BigInt!
# lower tick of the position
tickLower: BigInt!
# upper tick of the position
tickUpper: BigInt!
# tokenId
tokenId: BigInt!
# address of current owner
owner: String!
# the EOA that minted the position
origin: String!
# created time
createdAtTimestamp: BigInt!
# subscribe events
subscriptions: [Subscribe!]! @derivedFrom(field: "position")
# unsubscription events
unsubscriptions: [Unsubscribe!]! @derivedFrom(field: "position")
# transfer events
transfers: [Transfer!]! @derivedFrom(field: "position")
type Transfer @entity {
# transaction hash + '-' + log index
id: ID!
# token id of position
tokenId: BigInt!
# address of previous owner
from: String!
# address of new owner
to: String!
# pointer to transaction
transaction: Transaction!
# log index
logIndex: BigInt!
# time of tx
timestamp: BigInt!
# the EOA that initiated the tx
origin: String!
# pointer to position
position: Position!
type ModifyLiquidity @entity {
# transaction hash + "#" + index in mints Transaction array
id: ID!
# which txn the ModifyLiquidity was included in
transaction: Transaction!
# time of txn
timestamp: BigInt!
# pool position is within
pool: Pool!
# allow indexing by tokens
token0: Token!
# allow indexing by tokens
token1: Token!
# the address that modified the liquidity
sender: Bytes
# txn origin
origin: Bytes! # the EOA that initiated the txn
# amount of liquidity modified
amount: BigInt!
# amount of token 0 modified
amount0: BigDecimal!
# amount of token 1 modified
amount1: BigDecimal!
# derived amount based on available prices of tokens
amountUSD: BigDecimal
# lower tick of the position
tickLower: BigInt!
# upper tick of the position
tickUpper: BigInt!
salt: Bytes!
covertedSalt: String!
# index within the txn
logIndex: BigInt
gasAccumulated: BigInt!
gasInWeiAccumulated: BigInt!
type Tick @entity {
# format: <pool address>#<tick index>
id: ID!
# pool address
poolAddress: String
# tick index
tickIdx: BigInt!
# pointer to pool
pool: Pool!
# total liquidity pool has as tick lower or upper
liquidityGross: BigInt!
# how much liquidity changes when tick crossed
liquidityNet: BigInt!
# calculated price of token0 of tick within this pool - constant
price0: BigDecimal!
# calculated price of token1 of tick within this pool - constant
price1: BigDecimal!
# created time
createdAtTimestamp: BigInt!
# created block
createdAtBlockNumber: BigInt!
Last updated